Sinful Vampires is an porno visual novel set in a very dark futuristic world. The protagonist of this story is a teenage scientist who is an expert in genetic engineering. Through a series of unheralded events maid will be transformed into a vampire by the attractive Jill. Our protagonist will then start a new existence in the form of a vampire. Things, however, won’t go as doll expected and gal will find herself investigating a mystery. In Sinful Vampires your choices will change the course of the story ’till they lead you to the three possible endings. You will get to go on multiple relationships with different characters. All sex scenes will be avoidable. In Sinful Vampires, player choices will be crucial. The youthful vampire protagonist of that story will often find herself in situations that are dangerous for her mind, her future, and especially her body. It will be up to u to come to a decision how to navigate these situations. Keep in mind this you’ll have the option to play the entire distraction avoiding all sex scenes or experiencing em all. Also, be aware this some scenes will be very, very intensive. SV tells a story with both cold-blooded and sensitive moments. The love interests will be exclusively with one more maids (vampires, mutants, and humans), but sex episodes will as well involve male characters. However, there will be no love interests with men.
Release Date: 7 January 2025
Genre: All Sex, Anal, Animation, Gigantic Ass, Large Tits, Oral, Domination, Lustful Adventure, Female Protagonist, Hardcore sex, Lesbie, Vampires, Violation, Visual Novel, Voyeur
Version: 0.5.4
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
File size: 2.1 GB